Christmas holidays is one of the most busiest periods across metropolitan and regional areas in Australia. Individuals, friends and families flock onto the highways and major arterial roads to join their friends, family and loved ones for festive celebrations. For this very reason, there is a higher risk of operating a vehicle due to the a number of factors whether […]
Dash Cam Speeding and Camera Fines
With the ever increasing amount of fixed speed/red light cameras and not to mention the mobile speed cameras, chances are you may find yourself receiving one of these letters in the mailbox. An open letter of from Roads and Maritime Services informing you of the driving offence/s that had been committed with consequent loss of […]
Dashcam for UBER Drivers
We have recently been contacted by a number of UBER drivers (über) seeking advice on wanting to know whether a dash camera is required for their everyday driving and business use. The simple answer is YES… buy one. We’re not delivering a sales pitch, but simply voicing our expertise as to why Uber Drivers should consider buying one AND why they should explore its potential […]
Dashcams and Insurance Liability
Recently, I had the pleasure of helping one of our customers select a suitable dashcam for their personal everyday use. This valuable customer turned out to be a claims officer working at a prominent motor vehicle insurance company in Australia. During our conversation, I queried about the general aspects of motor vehicle claims and what information […]
How to install Dashcam in Vehicle?
If you have recently purchased your first dashcam, or maybe wondering how the camera will be installed in your vehicle, car or truck, you may be pleased to know that installation is rather quick and straight forward. This method is also known as the ‘plug and play’ method whereby the dashcam will use the vehicle’s […]
Dashcams and Police Use
We are now living in the digital era whereby everything we say and do in the pubic (and private) arena is captured by a camera. Every person with a portable mobile device is equipped with a camera and every street corner camera affixed to some discreet fixture is recording our every movement. The recording of […]
Road Trauma Reduction, Young Drivers, Education and Strategies
Driving is a complex perceptual-motor skill, usually taking place in a complex environment. The first years of licensing also usually take place in the teenage years which bring with them a number of factors which impact on the safety of driving, young people therefore are most at risk of injuries because of their inquisitive and […]
DashCams: The Random Acts of Kindness
Bet you’re thinking this will be another article on Russians and their DashCams. Well.. you’ve guessed right!… but nothing brutal, outrageous, dangerous or silly to the likes of capturing a marriage proposal in front of a police dashcam or idiots running in front of cars seeking to claim monetary compensation. If you haven’t figured out […]
Where to Mount Dash Camera?
We received some questions from customers pertaining to the installation and positioning of dashcams within the interior of the vehicle. Unlike a portable GPS Unit, affixing the car camera is vital to ensure complete coverage of either the front and / or rear vision is effectively captured. Over time, we’ve come across this subject countless […]
DashCam Captures Marriage Proposal
Who said dashcams were only useful for capturing road collisions, plane crashes, fake insurance scams, disputes and so forth? According to various news outlets online, an american man enlisted the help of his local police department to capture himself proposing to his girlfriend of four years after staging a dramatic fake arrest for an alleged […]